《豪情3D》(英文:Naked Ambition 2) 為一套於2014年4月3日上映的香港電影,由杜汶澤和何超儀主演。該電影的片名雖然和2003年上映的《豪情》一樣,但是實際上本片的故事和角色人物名稱是沒有關係,同時該電影同時上映了3D和普通版本,並由古天樂監製和客串,杜汶澤主演。
杜汶澤上演活春宮吸引大堆途人及宅男圍觀拍照..... 當中以擁有「人類最強Body」的沖田杏梨最為吸睛,比堅尼上衣僅僅能蓋著重要部位,卻承托不起一雙「豪乳」。 杜汶澤上演活春宮為3D豪情宣傳大戰5位日本豪乳女優艷福不淺。
AV,從來都是滿足男人性幻想的工具,男人主宰一切。假如有一天,情況逆轉,男女角色調換 ……本片由古天樂和陳慶嘉監製,杜汶澤、何超儀和日本5大AV女優沖田杏梨、葵司、夕樹舞子、由愛可奈、辰已唯領銜主演。
喪失男性雄風的陳偉文(杜汶澤 飾) ,在事業上和床上都陷入女尊男卑的狀況。文學系畢業的他,本靠在報紙的風月版寫色情小說維生,但自從風月版停刊,他的生活也陷入困境。某天,他突發奇想:像我這樣看日本AV長大的男人,何不投資拍AV?
這個瘋狂的想法立刻得到一票朋友的熱烈迴響,大家紛紛加入投資,並由熟知日本色情行業的接頭人鳩山初代子 (何超儀 飾)搭路。 一開始,大家只是興致勃勃的參觀拍攝,但最後卻演變成逼迫陳偉文下海當AV男優。令人訝異的是,他在AV中被女優淫辱的真情演出,令他在日本一炮而紅。
鳩山初代子馬上直奔香港,說服陳偉文一起追尋一個不切實際的夢想 :港男進軍日本AV界!! 一個香港男人在進入日本AV界?!
Literature graduate Wyman Chan (Chapman To) writes erotic stories in the soft porn section of the newspaper for a living, but with the soft porn section ceasing publication, he loses his job. The unemployed Chan becomes capricious, and takes inspiration from men working in the Japanese adult video (AV) industry to become a producer of pornographic films. Chan's idea immediately receives enthusiastic responses from his friends, who offer their help—especially Hatoyama (Josie Ho), who is familiar with the Japanese porn industry. While everyone initially takes great interest in being a part of filming, Chan is soon forced into acting in the lead role. Surprisingly, Chan becomes a sensation in Japan for his performance of being sexually harassed and dominated by women in the AV. Hatoyama immediately travels to Hong Kong to persuade Chan to pursue his unrealistic dream—a Hong Kong man entering the Japanese AV industry.
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