Jonas Brothers新专辑的名字Lines Vines Trying Time令许多人不解,Joe Jonas回应说“Lines是谚语中联系人际关系的意思,而Vines则是人生路上的绊脚石”Kevin Jonas补充道“Trying Time可看作是一种人际关系,或者说没有什么事是仅仅针对你一个人的,没有人会孤独我们能够一起克服(暗指美国经济危机人们将患难与共一起度过)”
这首节奏感强烈的Before The Storm是由Miley Cyrus(麦莉·塞勒斯)和Nick Jonas(尼克·乔纳斯)对唱版(关于他们两个的绯闻就不提及了,这不属于本站范畴,请转去娱乐版:P )。加入了女声的摇滚配之Nick Jonas低沉的男生,在副歌部分会给人更深一层的震撼。
Lines Vines Trying Time将是Jonas Brothers带给你的难以想象的音乐之旅,见证他们成为唱作人的重要时刻。他们独特的管弦乐融入在几首歌曲中,也包含了口琴,叫卖,和电吉他。第一波 主打”Paranoid” 是以吉他为主调带动身体舞动的歌曲,这首是整张集流行与摇滚珍宝的餐前小菜,”World War III”是一首表达对于对抗关系的潜意识恐惧,由Nick Jonas编写,他说,“这源于我的亲身经历,这首歌讲述了一个女孩攻击我,刺激我,对我大吼,以此试图挑战我,但她所做的所有只是为了与我争吵 ”。”Fly With Me”是对于即将来临的信用账单所表达的心情,”Night At The Museum 2″ 由Jonas Brothers和他们的贝斯手Greg Garbowsky共同完成,他们相信这会成为情人中广为流传的情歌,”Poison Ivy”中Jonas Brothers加入了管乐的部分,在今夏的音乐预售上,Rolling Stone 称这首歌中Weezer-ish 的曲调就像一个你无法拒绝诱惑的有毒女孩,”Hey Baby”改编自”she done him wrong”,经过Jonas Brothers重新演绎有了完全不同的感觉,“我们改写这首歌是为了能让它能在原有的基础上更有我们目前曲风的感觉”,Jonas Brothers这样说道。
Jonas Brothers – Before The Storm (Feat Miley Cyrus)
I know this isn’t what I wanted,
I never thought it come this far,
Just thinking back to where we started,
And how we lost all that we are.
We were young and times were easy.
But I could see it’s not the same.
I’m standing here but you don’t see me,
I’d give it all for that to change.
But I don’t want to lose her,
Don’t wanna let her go.
Standin’ out in the rain,
Need to know if it’s over,
‘Cuz I will leave you alone.
I’m flooded with all this pain,
Knowing I’ll never hold her
Like I did
Before the storm
(Yeah, before the storm)
With every strike of lightning,
Comes a memory that lasts.
And not a word is left unspoken,
As the thunder starts to crash.
Maybe I
Should give up.
Standin’ out in the rain,
Need to know if it’s over,
‘Cuz I will leave you alone.
I’m flooded with all this pain,
Knowing I’ll never hold her
Like I did
Before the storm
Trying to keep
The lights from going out
And the clouds from ripping out my broken heart.
They always say,
That a heart is not a home
Without the one who gets you through the storm.
Standin’ out in the rain,
Knowin’ that it’s really over.
Please don’t leave me alone.
I’m flooded with all this pain,
Knowing I’ll never hold ya,
Like I did,
Before the storm.
(The storm)
Like I did
Before the storm. 作者: wendone005 时间: 2010-2-25 10:22