pakucha 发表于 2011-2-14 16:05 只看TA 111楼 |
凑热闹党路过,以下资料摘选自维基百科,T54/55条目 Service history(服役史) [edit] Soviet Union to Russian Federation The T-54/55 and the T-62 were the two most common tanks in Soviet inventory—in the mid-1970s the two types together comprised approximately 85% of the Soviet Army's tanks. T-54 tanks served in the 1956 invasion of Hungary, and a few were knocked out by Molotov cocktails and Hungarian antitank guns.[11]The revolutionists delivered one captured T-54A to the British Embassy in Budapest, the analysis of which spurred the development of the Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun (T54参加了1956年苏联入侵匈牙利,少数几辆被燃烧瓶和匈牙利反坦克枪击爆,革命主义者们将一辆被俘获的T-54A送往了布达佩斯的英国使馆,其分析结果被用在了Royal Ordnance L7坦克炮的开发上). The T-62 and T-55 are now mostly in reserve status; Russian active-duty units mainly use the T-80 and T-72, with a smaller number of T-90 tanks in service. An abandoned Tiran-5 in South Lebanon [edit] Middle East(中东) A destroyed Iraqi T-55 and supply truck, painted with graffiti by Coalition troops, along the highway between Kuwait City and Basra, Iraq, following the retreat of Iraqi forces from Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm During the 1967 Six-Day War, U.S.-supplied M48 Patton tanks, Centurion tanks, and even upgraded World War II era Sherman tanks, faced T-55s. This mix of Israeli tanks, combined with superior planning of operations and superior airpower, proved to be more than capable of dealing with the T-54/T-55 series.[12] By the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the T-54A and T-55's gun was starting to lose its competitive effectiveness to the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 gun mounted in Israeli Centurion Mk V and M60A1 tanks. (1973年Yom Kippur战争,T-54A和T-55的坦克炮面对装备了105 mm Royal Ordnance L7的以色列军Centurion Mk V和M60A1开始显得无力……) Israel captured many T-55s from Syria and mostly Egypt in 1967, and kept some of them in service. They were upgraded with a 105 mm NATO-standard L7 or M68, a US version of the L7, replacing the old Soviet 100 mm D-10, and a General Motors diesel replacing the original Soviet diesel engine. The Israelis designated these Tiran-5 medium tanks, and they were used by reserve units until the early 1990s. Most of them were then sold to assorted Third World countries, some of them in Latin America, and the rest were heavily modified, converted into heavy armoured personnel carriers; the Achzarit. [edit] Vietnam War(越战) In the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese NVA used T-54s against the South Vietnamese ARVN and US forces. The NVA and ARVN engaged each other for the first time during Operation Lam Son 719, in February 1971. During that battle, 17 M41 light tanks of the ARVN 1st Armored Brigade destroyed 22 NVA-tanks, 6 T-54 and 16 PT-76, at no loss to themselves.[13] (1971年2月,在Lam Son 719计划中,南北越南首次交火,该次战斗中,南越17辆M41轻型坦克无伤成功摧毁了包括6辆T54和16辆PT-76的22辆北越南军坦克) On Easter Sunday, 2 April 1972, the newly-activated ARVN 20th Tank Regiment, consisting of approximately 57 M48A3 Patton tanks (ARVN regiments were equivalent to US battalions, and ARVN squadrons were equivalent to US companies or troops)[14] received reports of a large NVA tank column moving towards Dong Ha (the largest South Vietnamese city near the DMZ at the 17th parallel). At about noon, the crewmen of the ARVN 1st Squadron observed enemy armour moving south along highway 1 towards Dong Ha, and concealed their tanks on high ground with a good vantage point. Waiting for the NVA column to close to between 2,500 and 3,000 meters, the 90-mm guns of the Pattons opened fire, quickly destroying nine PT-76 light tanks and two T-54 medium tanks.[14] The remaining NVA armour, unable to see their enemy, turned about and withdrew. (1972年4月2日,南越新编第20坦克团的月57辆M48A3巴顿坦克发现了一个想着Dong Ha的北越军坦克纵队,该日下午,占据了制高点的该团第一中队在理北越纵队2500-3000米处开火,迅速摧毁了9辆PT-76轻型坦克和两辆T-54中型坦克,北越残军,由于无法观察到敌军,只得转身撤退。 注:南越军一个团相当于美军的一个营,而一个南越南军中队则相当于米军一个连) On 9 April 1972, all three squadrons of the 20th Tank Regiment fought enemy armour, firing upon tanks accompanied by infantry, again while occupying the high ground. The Pattons opened fire at approximately 2,800 meters. A few answering shots from the T-54's fell short, and the NVA tanks began to scatter. By the end of the day, the 20th had destroyed sixteen T-54 and captured one Type 59, at no loss to themselves.[14] (1972年4月9日,南越第20坦克团三个中队全部遭遇与对方装甲部队的战斗,占据着制高点的巴顿坦克于距离对方2800米处开火,少量来自的T-54的反击因射程问题均无法达到目标,因而北越部队开始冲锋。当日该部队共击毁北越军16辆T-54,俘获一辆59式(这个难道是中国的?),己方无一损失) NVA armour units equipped with the T-54 tank achieved one of their greatest victories in April 1972, when the NVA 203rd Armored Regiment attacked the ARVN 22nd Infantry Division at Tan Canh, which dominated a main route into the city of Kontum. After a two-day artillery barrage, eighteen T-54 tanks from the 203rd regiment attacked the 22nd Division at dawn from two directions, breaking the ARVN unit, which quickly abandoned its positions.[15] (北越军T-54装甲部队在1972年4月迎来了其最大的胜利,当北越军203装甲团在Tan Canh攻击南越第22步兵师时伴随着两日的炮火覆盖,18辆203团的T-54从两个方向夹击203师,贯穿了该部队,迫其迅速撤离) On 30 April 1975, T-54 tank No. 390 of the NVA 203rd Armored Regiment went crashing through the gates of the South Vietnamese presidential palace, signalling the end of the war.[15] (1975年4月30日,北越军第203坦克团第390号T-54坦克撞破了南越总统府的大门,象征着战争的完结) [edit] Other conflicts(其他冲突) Column of Yugoslav T-55 tanks in Slovenia. T-54 tanks were used during the Cambodian civil war.[16] During the Ugandan-Tanzanian War of 1978-79, Libya sent an expeditionary force to aid Uganda dictator Idi Amin which included a few dozen T-54/55 tanks. Some of these tanks saw action against Tanzanian forces.[17] Polish T-55L tanks were also deployed during Martial law in Poland to intimidate the population and suppress overt displays against the Communist government.[18] The T-54/T-55 saw action against South African and UNITA forces during the war in Angola. This Soviet tank's reliability and ruggedness matched the demanding African operational environment. However, several numbers of T-54/T-55 tanks were lost to South African Olifant MBTs, artillery fire, and wire-guided missiles in several engagements. (T-54/55参加了安哥拉战争对Unita以及南非军队的战斗,苏式坦克的可靠性以及耐操符合非洲战场环境的要求,然而面对南非的Olifant主战坦克,炮兵攻击以及制导导弹损伤惨重) The T-55 was the most numerous tank of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA). It was the mainstay of armoured combat units during the Yugoslav Wars, where it proved vulnerable to infantry equipped with anti-tank rockets, and to misemployment in urban areas and unfriendly terrain. But there were too many of them in service for them to be replaced. During the battle of Vukovar, where the JNA grouped a large part of its tank force, a number was destroyed, almost exclusively by infantry-carried anti-tank weapons. The T-55 tank remained the most common tank in the armies of the Yugoslavian successor states until recently, and it was the most used tank by all armies during the wars. T-55s were used by Yugoslavia and Macedonia in Kosovo and the 2001 Macedonia conflict. China sold thousands of Type 69 tanks to both Iran and Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War of 1980-1988 (known as the Persian Gulf War prior to 1991). Some saw action during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq and Kuwait in January/February 1991, and during the 2003 US invasion of Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). (在1980-1988年的两伊战争中中国买给伊朗和伊拉克上千辆69式坦克,某些甚至出现在了两次海湾战争中) The T-55 has been used by Ethiopia in conflict with the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia. The Sri Lanka army used T-55s in the Sri Lankan Civil War, which concluded in May 2009, against the LTTE (Tamil Tigers). A T-55 belonging to the LTTE was destroyed on 6 April 2009; according to media reports, it was a model produced in Czechoslovakia and obtained by the LTTE in 2001 or 2002. 嘛,毕竟不是专业的,翻译的不咋地,希望对二位的讨论有所帮助 另外……有没有这么悲剧啊喂 T-54?!!貌似您老面对步兵十分牛气,一旦面对对方坦克部队就伤亡惨重啊喂?!而且为毛对方动不动就是无伤通关啊喂?!虽然是2战末期开始出现的……但是怎么说也太寒酸了吧喂? [ 本帖最后由 pakucha 于 2011-2-14 16:21 编辑 ] |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-14 16:21 只看TA 112楼 |
引用:原帖由 疏楼龙宿 于 2011-2-14 14:33 发表 你去问问别人KwK43 L71的Gr.39HL弹到底是榴弹还是破甲弹。 假如你说Gr.39HL是破甲弹,那这门炮配的榴弹是什么型号? KwK43 L71炮只有三种弹药,Pzgr.39、Pzgr.40/43、Gr.39。 而你引的红字部分则说它的弹药包括穿甲弹、破甲弹与榴弹。 众所周知(也许不包括你),Pzgr39和40都是穿甲弹,那按你百度来的垃圾信息说还有破甲弹与榴弹,那就很让人费解了。剩下的就一个Gr.39,你说它是给破甲弹好还是榴弹好? 或者换句话说,这个世界上有只配破甲弹而不配榴弹的坦克炮么,你举个出来看看? 再说多句,你口里的“破甲弹”的零距离破甲能力尚不如Pzgr.40在2000米处的穿甲能力,这世界上有差得如此离谱的“破甲弹”? 百度党的悲哀,随便搜出来的东西除了闹笑话还是闹笑话。 ![]() |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-14 16:34 只看TA 113楼 |
笑话,你自己提出的东西居然叫我去找证据,你凭什么叫我找,是我说它用碎甲弹的么?91年的兵器知识,你会说怎么不会找,你不找出是哪一期哪一页? 知道碎甲弹的特点么?速度慢直射距离短易受横风影响飞行时间长,远了根本谈不上什么精度,更别说是超越坦克火控系统极限的5000米,说用高初速的穿甲弹去蒙还说靠点谱,用低初速的碎甲弹在火控无法企及的距离扬高炮塔打曲射还蒙中了,假如这可能,自行火炮都能靠曲射直接命中坦克。 |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-14 17:30 只看TA 114楼 |
主题:战争故事 作者:韦德·巴特斯 ( 时间:1998年12月19日 下午1时9分11秒 许多人有关海湾战争的发贴内容都是二手文章,都进行过了一点加工(好吧,是很多加工)。 我参加过那场战争,亲眼看到了一些战斗。我不得不承认战争是年青人的运动,18岁的你会积极乐观,而当你已经36岁了你就会变得消极谨慎。 我要说的是我见过了太多的战斗,让我感到宽慰的是我再也不会重新有这样的经历。 有些把故事说的有声有色的人根本没有参加过战斗。 有个家伙声称在5000米的距离上开炮并干掉了一辆T72,当我问他一些坦克手的常识问题(当火控系统在4000米距离就停止工作时他是如何进行战斗的?是用炮长辅助瞄准镜进行距离估算的么?等等)他就再也不回帖了。 |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-14 18:37 只看TA 115楼 |
主题:回复:战争故事 作者:丹·韦尔奇 时间:1998年12月19日 下午5时40分58秒 我想你们是在谈论那个自吹在5700米(我记得他是这样说的)距离上命中目标的家伙。我也提出过同样的问题,但最近两周的时间以来我都在进行休养,直到今天才有时间查看回帖。那家伙也不是什么有文化的人物。 …… 贝克中校用红外灯引导我们进入阵地,就位之后,来自第二装甲骑兵团的布莱德利步战车喷射着弹雨为我们标出通过点的左右边界,我们随即出发。整个地区布满了零散的、燃烧的车辆,还有MLRS的火箭弹从我们头顶飞向目标。侦察车开到了前面,我认为这样做很愚蠢,因为我们已经知道敌人在那里,这样做要冒着被误击的风险,但这也是他们自找的。布莱德利用向敌人坦克发射25毫米炮的方式给我们指示目标,当那辆坦克瞄准布莱德利时,目标就已经被其它坦克干掉了,一枚穿甲弹会准确命中它。这基本上是所有目标被干掉的方式,也是一件很系统化的事情,由于周围漆黑一片,我们并没有出现误击事件。我确实看到了一辆在我们右侧的布莱德利步战车被误击,之所以说它不是敌军是因为它是在没有遭到曳光弹扫射的情况下被打中的。后来从网上了解一到它就是被误击了,但并不是我们特遣队干的。 伊拉克人的坦克手也在还击,但他们无法发现目标,因为他们所能看到的只是地平线上的闪光,他们的红外系统无法看到这么远的距离。我看到有很多曳光弹朝我们打过来,但没有看到一颗有命中的。伊拉克坦克手开始明白25毫米炮和120毫米炮的配合模式,随着坦克越来越少,伊军坦克手们知道下一个轮到的就是自己,战线上剩下的坦克开始放弃。2-34特遣队里有人请示冯特诺特是否停止向爬出坦克的坦克手射击,他的回答是杀光他们,因为他们有机会投降,但他们没有这样做。我同意这样的说法,但这样的事情轮不上我来操心。贝克没有说过这样的话,但也没有人问过他。 …… 他找到了66号车,随即向我们身后追来,但进入了错误的区域,翻过了一个沙丘。一辆T72和一辆BMP正对着他们的方向,很快T72就打出了第一炮,炮弹从悍马车的右上方飞过。萨维奇中士(66号车炮长)随即还击打残了那辆T72,然后他又打中了那辆BMP。他也因此而荣获铜星勋章。 …… 最后他们撤退了,我们开进了这个城区,我们进入了萨夫万机场边上一个小山周围的伊军废弃的阵地,山头上有个报废的雷达站。我们驻留点前方有一辆被抛弃的T72,我们从它身上搜刮了许多纪念品,然后我用一根坦克栅栏砸坏了所有的光学镜片及其附件。我钻进它的炮塔玩弄了一会儿,T72真是一堆垃圾。 那里也是我唯一看到被毁的M1坦克的地方。当我们来到机场附近的这座小山但还没有驻留下来时,有一辆M1坦克,忘记是哪个部队的了,前斜板上有一个反坦克高爆弹的弹痕,激光测距/瞄准器的底座和挡板都不见了,1号负重轮和可能还有2号负重轮也不见了。三名坦克手坐在炮塔上吃东西,我没有看到第四名坦克手。看起来它像是被两枚反坦克高爆弹从前方命中,还有一枚打中了车身只蹭掉了一些漆皮。我和另外一个看到过这辆坦克的战友交谈过,他发誓说它是被地雷炸坏的。如果是这样,那么它就应该是竖起来倾斜着被炸的,因为爆炸的痕迹在前斜板、底部和车顶上到处都有。 |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-15 07:26 只看TA 116楼 |
引用:原帖由 pakucha 于 2011-2-14 16:05 发表 但观瞄太差还是二战时期的瞄准镜分划,M48一开始就有测距仪M48A2开始有弹道计算机,所以远战和西方坦克打就一被纯虐的货。 在中东毛粉还能怪阿拉伯人天生弱智不如以色列人那么高素质。 那南北越交战呢,北越的T54坦克手都是傻子笨蛋而南越的坦克手都是天才? [ 本帖最后由 jx4177 于 2011-2-15 09:03 编辑 ] |
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taiwaifeixian 发表于 2011-2-15 08:26 只看TA 117楼 |
坦克会成为过去 至少现在意义的坦克会 苏联的东西都是可换性比较好 但粗糙 |
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xbd 发表于 2011-2-15 09:16 只看TA 118楼 |
楼主说T72真是一堆垃圾不假,但你是和M1主战坦克比的,二代半坦克当然不能与三代坦克比。你那T72与M60比,楼主还敢这么说?走西方三代坦克的路子,苏联的大马力增压发动机在哪里?到现在都没有完全搞定吧。毛子的工业水平在那里放着了,用数量压倒对手,不得已而为之 个人以为,苏式坦克确实粗糙,但苏式坦克的设计是建立在苏联工业水平一直比西方粗糙的情况下,苏试坦克的粗糙的设计是适合苏联国情的,是适合苏联粗糙的国业水平的。竹4、T55和和T72的设计都是适合苏联国情的,是优秀的设计。 如果楼主是苏联的坦克设计师,你怎么设计坦克?走什么样的路子? 最后,在抗战争,数量占优中国军队经常被日军杀得大败,照楼主的逻辑,是否表明中国的汉阳造步枪远远落后于小日本的三八式步枪? |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2011-2-15 11:00 只看TA 119楼 |
这里面涉及到的是两种思想,苏联当时的战斗模式是铁甲洪流,每次出动坦克都是成百上千的,对于单个机车的战损是不考虑的关键,而且造价低廉。因为苏联使用坦克是坦克集群,漫山遍野,在九十年代的时候苏联的坦克达到了5.5万辆。应该明白这是什么概念了。t34是有很多毛病,但是二战的时候苏联每个月能够生产3000辆,德国能够比得上么。所以说苏联的坦克还可以,就是看你怎么用。中东战争只是局部的小型战争,同事没有财大气粗到使用上千辆坦克平推以色列的地步。 欧洲国家强调的是精确打击,欧洲国家平均来说都有国土面积小,战略纵深不足的毛病,养不了太多的坦克。只能是强调单机效能。法国的,英国的,德国的都是这个问题。当时欧洲国家都是在考虑如何应对铁甲洪流,所以当时来说单对单,少对少,肯定是欧美获胜。但是如果是多对少就不好说了。 |
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jx4177 发表于 2011-2-15 13:48 只看TA 120楼 |
引用:原帖由 四诗风雅颂 于 2011-2-15 11:00 发表 2、所谓的造价低廉从何说起,再低廉难道不用原料?总不可能欧美坦克是用几十吨钢铁,而苏联坦克是几十吨石头木材。 3、二战苏联能憋出那么多坦克,还要好好感谢美国人提供的装甲钢、炸药、电台、汽车、机床……没这些,苏联到死也就是T60那种东西,根本没原料量产更多的重型坦克。看看苏联在二战一开始的时候量产的都是些啥……永远别忘记什么叫T50 T60 [ 本帖最后由 jx4177 于 2011-2-15 13:50 编辑 ] |
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